From a race in the Australian outback to ModuleOne - The History of MyGrid
Our story begins in 2022, but you really have to look back much further. It all starts during our founder's studies, when Jan was part of the Umicore Solar Car team. He was responsible for the drive system. You guessed it: battery technology! It was during the Solar Car Race in the Australian outback that Jan got bitten by the battery bug. Together with some college friends plans were made, sketches drawn, and experiments conducted. The seed for MyGrid was planted.

Years later, our prototype is almost ready for production. The ModuleOne™ has become a smart, portable plug-and-play battery that unlocks the benefits of the energy transition for you. Our app allows you to monitor and manage your energy usage. You can choose from many options to reduce your energy bill, decrease your ecological footprint, and help boost renewable energy.
The proof is in the eating of the pudding: our Kickstarter campaign was a huge success. There's no better validation for your idea or product than early adopters who embrace your vision and mission, giving you the confidence to go for it and achieve your ambitions.
But it doesn't stop there: our vision goes much further. Soon, we aim to combine - or aggregate - our smart batteries to form a virtual power plant. By buffering energy on a large scale, we can help keep the power grid stable, which is one of the major challenges of the energy transition.
How did we build ModuleOne™?
We first researched the market and gathered feedback from potential users. We wanted to make sure that our product was not only useful, but also desirable.

With all of the information and feedback stacked in our minds, we started sketching and building our first designs in mockups and prototypes. Like some other famous tech design brands, we started in a small tool shed/garage! If that is no guarantee for success, we don’t know what is.

From there, we moved on to actually creating a prototype. We spent countless hours tweaking and refining the design, making sure every detail was just right.

We have been testing the prototype extensively, making adjustments along the way, running numerous iterations and tests.

Now, nearly two and a half years after we drafted our first sketches, we can say we’ve built a prototype and final product that we are truly proud of. And more people seem to like it: we had to buy an Ikea table to expose all of our design awards… And what’s more, pre-orders are running smoothly.

It’s just the start of our MyGrid journey, so stay tuned for more!